
Think...Can Your Community Pharmacy Help?
Did you know community pharmacists are highly trained healthcare professionals who can see and treat you for a wide range of conditions. They can also prescribe medication such as antibiotics for some key common conditions without you needing to see a GP first e.g. UTIs, ear ache, sinusitis
Please click on this link to see a video with more information

Health and Wellbeing
You can self-refer for support for many common conditions, details of which can be found by clicking here
Contact Us

You can now use NHS App to request routine, non-urgent appointments. It is easy to create an account and user friendly. You can use it from a PC or a smartphone.
Click here to login in via a smartphone or computer:
Click here to create an account:
Click here for help and support with the NHS App:
Cancel an Appointment
Please tell us if you can't make your appointment. We can use this for another patient in need.
You can reply to your appointment confirmation text message to cancel your appointments, you can cancel online via NHSApp or SystmOnline, via the website cancel appointment form or you can call us
Click here to access the cancel appointment form
Please contact us by clicking on the link below and answering a few simple questions
You can request an appointment, medication and a range of other things
You can now use NHS App to request routine, non-urgent appointments. It is easy to create an account and user friendly. You can use it from a PC or a smartphone.
Click here to login in via a smartphone or computer:
Click here to create an account:
Click here for help and support with the NHS App:

We are able to see you by appointment only.
Please see the above options for booking an appointment. If you can't use these, you can call us.
We have a wide range of healthcare professionals supporting patients at our surgery. Our reception team are trained care navigators and will ask you the nature of your call to ensure you are seen by the most appropriate person.
Home visits are undertaken based on clinical need.
A normal appointment is 15 minutes and is intended for one medical complaint and one person.
If you turn up late for your appointment we may not be able to see you. Unforeseen events may cause us to run late, in which case we apologise.
Language translation / interpretation support is available - please tell us of any requirements when you book your appointment as it needs arranging ahead
Chaperones are available for your appointment - inform reception when you arrive if you want one.
Extended Access
Out-of-hours appointments will be available from 6.30pm to 8pm on weekdays, and from 9am to 5pm on Saturdays.
In response to patient feedback, we have arranged the following. Appointments will be available as telephone appointments or face to face appointments at the Baddow Village Surgery, Longmead Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, CM2 7EZ.
All the out-of-hours appointments are non urgent, and will be routine. They are not available as walk-in appointments. You will need to book the appointments in advance.
To book an out-of-hours appointment, you should contact your regular GP practice in the usual way. They will advise you on the appointments which are available, and which healthcare professional is the right person to help you.
What We Offer
Whitley House Surgery offers a wide range of services and support delivered by an extensive multidisciplinary team. Please click here to read our practice leaflet with further information.
To support accessibility to our services and ensure we offer you access to the most appropriate services for you, we urge you to tell us of any special circumstances you face or any protected characteristics you have which may make accessing healthcare more difficult.
Our surgery provides routine and seasonal vaccination clinics such as Childhood immunisations, Flu and Covid. To check if you're eligible please follow This link.
Please let us know if any of the following apply to you: carer or cared for, armed forces veteran, housebound, living in nursing or residential home, registered blind / partially blind, deaf, suffer with a physical or mental disability, have any communication needs or difficulties, those from black and ethnic minority ethnicities, those from LGBTQPlus communities, if you require language translation or interpretation, if you would like a chaperone in your appointment
Non NHS work
Services we can provide
There are a range of services we can provide that are outside of our core NHS contract, these services are all charged for at various rates. Please see attached fees list. Whitley House Surgery-PrivateFees-v.1.6 Poster.pdf
Services we do not provide
Services we do not provide include (but are not limited to)
- Any Lasting Power of Attorney
- Capacity Assessment
- Scuba diving certificates
- Benefits and Housing letters of support
Government Guidelines
Please follow the latest government guidelines if you have any symptoms of covid or are notified that you have been in contact with anyone that has
Do not attend the surgery if you have any current covid symptoms - if you feel you need medical treatment from the surgery, please call us
Click here to visit the government website
Other Primary Care Services
Extended Access
Out-of-hours appointments will be available from 6.30pm to 8pm on weekdays, and from 9am to 5pm on Saturdays.
In response to patient feedback, we have arranged the following. Appointments will be available as telephone appointments or face to face appointments at the Baddow Village Surgery, Longmead Avenue, Great Baddow, Chelmsford, CM2 7EZ.
All the out-of-hours appointments are non urgent, and will be routine. They are not available as walk-in appointments. You will need to book the appointments in advance.
To book an out-of-hours appointment, you should contact your regular GP practice in the usual way. They will advise you on the appointments which are available, and which healthcare professional is the right person to help you.
Use the NHS app to check symptoms order medication and book appointments including your flu vaccination. Go to
NHS 111 Online
Follow this link Complete an online assessment to get advice about the condition / illness you are currently experiencing and what support you may need.
Pharmacist Advice and Treatment
You may not need to see a doctor or nurse. Many minor ailments can be treated by visiting your community pharmacist
Self Care
The following website also contains lots of useful information for everyday ailments:
Need a Dentist
The NHS in Mid Essex has an urgent NHS dental service. Contact 111 or NHS Choices.
Whitley House Policy is that:
All patients with a recognised dental problem should not be given a GP clinic ot telephone appointment but should contact their own dentist or the urgent NHS dentist.
If there is something the dentist cannot prescribe the dentist must contact the GP directly. If there is uncertainty as to whether the patients problem is dental then they can see the GP to be assessed. However if the problem turns out to be dental, then as per the GMC recommendations, they will be directed to the dentist and not treated by the GP.
Dentists are obliged to issue NHS prescriptions to NHS patients where required. They also have a duty of care to issue private prescriptions to private patients.
Accident and Emergency
Please protect this precious resource and only attend A&E for accidents and emergencies! If you have chest pains or the possible symptoms of a Stroke (F.A.S.T - Face drooping, Arms unable to lift above head, Speech slurred, Time is critical) Dial 999 not the GP Surgery